The fourth installment of the Cardipelago Sessions is FINALLY HERE!
Date: November 23, 2019
Time: 12NN - 8PM
Location: One Two Three Block - 123 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong, Philippines
What's in store:
- In-depth lectures by Spade JM ( on his signature sleights and David Sta. Ines (@deeeybiiid) on photography and videography for the art of cardistry.
- Cardistry and Magic Video Premier
- Raffle Prizes
- Awards
-2019 Cardist of the Year
-Video of the Year (Cardistry)
-Video of the Year (Sleights)
-Video of the Year 2019 (Presented by RunIt Decks)
And so much more!
The Cardipelago Session IV is hosted by V. (@absolutevillain) and Kurt Garcia (@iammagicbae).
For tickets, updates, and other information, click this link. RunIt Decks is a proud sponsor of the Cardipelago Sessions IV.
See you!
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